18 May 2014

Hello fellow HVAC passionates!

BACnetHelp is Rebranding under the new name HVAC.IO!

Why? Well, to be fair, BACnetHelp was quite a mouthful. Every time we had to announce ourselves on the phone, our interlocutor would ask to repeat the company name. That’s never a good sign…

It was also very limiting, because everything needed to be tied to BACnet. While we still offer mainly BACnet services and products, we are no longer bound by it.

We also took the opportunity to make some major changes in the site aesthetic and in the backend architecture. Our services are now even more reliable and able to deal with all sorts of enterprise.

We are very excited with about those changes, but also about the brand new analytics tools we added to Vigilia, the Bacnet logging service! :-)

This is looking like a fabulous new beginning!

As always, feel free to contact us anytime!

Christian Fortin Founder

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